归属:简笔画 时间: 05-25 来源:网络
一篇来自海外的点子DIY作品,一名电子学好手制作的磁悬浮玩具,简朴翻译了一下,有详细制作的解说步调,看了教程往后你应该也可以轻松DIY一个漂流在空中的小作品了!这个装置团结了永磁铁和电磁铁,操作一个微节制器和一个IR感到器,当内部装有磁铁的小物体放在电磁铁的下方,IR感到器就会感到到物体的存在,微节制器就会启动电磁铁并调解磁力巨细,当小物体受到向上的磁力和向下的重力沟通时,它就会漂流在空中,漂流的位置和高度取决于重量和磁力巨细。 就像在市肆里卖的漂流地球仪一样,它可以让带有磁铁的物体浮在空中,只不外这个装置团结了永磁铁和电磁铁,操作一个微节制器和一个IR感到器,当内部装有磁铁的小物体放在电磁铁的下方,IR感到器就会感到到物体的存在,微节制器就会启动电磁铁并调解磁力巨细,当小物体受到向上的磁力和向下的重力沟通时,它就会漂流在空中,漂流的位置和高度取决于重量和磁力巨细。
一、原料筹备所需原料如下:ATMega168 Microcontroller1 1620 MHz Crystal28 Pin SocketDual Full H Bridge IC1 Power NPN2 Electromagnets1 Bicolour LED2 IR LED1 IR Photodiode1 5V Regulator2 Leveling Capacitors1 SPST Switch1 NO Button1, 470 Ohm Resistor1, 5 Ohm Resistor1 Universal Breadboard2 CasesPlexiglasSolderHot GlueSteel WireVinyl Tubing3 or more 1/4" diameter x 1/4" thick rare earth magnets (for the base)2 or more 1/2" diameter x 1/8" thick rare earth magnets (for the objects)所需器材:Soldering IronHot Glue GunDesoldering Pump3rd HandPlexiglas cutter
二、底座的筹备 行使收音机的发射盒作为底座,装戒指的盒子用来装点磁铁和感到器。起首在每个盒子的外貌别离钻洞,用来穿过电线,安装电源钮、配置高度钮,安装LED指示灯。
三、安装电磁铁和感到器 将电磁铁的线圈毗连电源供应线,并安装到戒指盒子中,留意确保每根电源线的安装正确,以确保线圈通电后可以或许发生磁力。安装完成后,在线圈中央插手永磁铁。
四、底座各电子元件的安装构成 这部首要是举办底座上各节制元件的安装,包罗微节制器、电源供应、LED指示灯等部门的安装。具备电子学专业常识的伴侣可以通过下面原文相识具体信息: For this step you probably should assemble the electronics on a solderless breadboard before soldering them together. The schematic to build the circuit is attached along with the hex file to load on the microcontroller. The Arduino 0007 code file is in the introduction so you can tweak it or make changes as you need. It is very important to plan where all of the parts go, so all of the electronics will fit in the box the first time, If not it could be very frustrating and cause much grief. It is also important to note that the NPN power transistor(s) will heat up, to overcome this I mounted them to contact the aluminum base of my project box, This way it acts as a heat sink, preventing a spectacular fire. You will also need to come up with something similar to remove most of the heat from the box. Once the electronics are built, there is a section of code in the program to uncomment and and then load onto the chip to test the orientation of the coils. It pulses the coils off, pulling up, and pushing down, also indicated by the LED.
If you hold a magnet under the electromagnets and it doesn't follow the pattern, reverse the wires.
五、选择漂流物体 按照可发生磁力的巨细范畴以及物体的重量、物体内磁铁的强度,探索出吻合的物体外形和巨细,然后做出吻合的漂流物。这位DIYer行使硬纸板做出了圆柱体和红宝石两种外形,并用毛线本身编织了一个骰子,只是手工其实不敢让人阿谀。最后三种物体都不变的漂流在了电磁铁的下方。
六、开始漂流 到了享受胜利果实的时辰,我们按照磁力的巨细范畴以及物体的重量、物体内磁铁的强度判定出物体漂流的或许位置,然后用手把物体托在理论漂流位置的下方一点,启动电源,这时微处理赏罚器会逐步调解磁力巨细,直到物体所受电磁力和重力相称后松手,物体就会不变的漂流在电磁铁下方,帅!