
时间: 11-04  来源:网络



1. 内容切题





2. 表达清楚,文字连贯


Reading Selectively Or Extensively

How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.

Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published every day. It is impossible for us to read all the books. What’s more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn’t read them. Since we can’t read all the books, and we shouldn’t read bad books, we must read selectively.

But others may not agree. They emphasize that today’s society is not what it used to be. If you want to be successful, you must read widely and acquire knowledge in both natural sciences and humanities. If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in others, he may be useless. Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.

Who’s right? There is a lot to be said for both sides of the argument. However, I think we should read extensively first and then learn deeply about the subject we are interested in.

在上面的作文中,考生采用了明确的主题句,各段落都紧紧围绕主题句写作而成。文章上下文衔接紧凑、连贯,例如第二段开头用Some people think…, 第三段开头用Others may not agree…, 而最后一段用一个问句Who’s right?作为连接,都显得相当自然。另外,英语中常见的一些连接手段,如what’s more, and, since, but, one (field)…others, however, first, then等,也都用的很恰当。

3. 句式有变化


Clearly our schools and society face the same problems. It has become necessary for all people, not just educators, to be more aware of the problems. Although some intervention programs have been implemented and in some cases are very successful, it is becoming more obvious that these problems are going to continue and will have a direct consequence on our future in this country. Unfortunately, we as a society tend to look for the “quick fix” to our problems without realizing the consequences for the future. Our society needs to understand that the schools are not responsible for the cause of these problems or the solutions, but rather, all aspects of society, including schools, are involved and need to collectively work together if we are ever to make progress toward resolving these problems in the long run.


4. 句子结构和用词正确


In the world, millions of people believe that some things can bring good luck for them. They make their spirit to depend on these things. We say they have a religion.

Some of these people have a strange religion. They believe in “Luck number”, they believe luck number would bring good luck. When they do sth. with relation to numbers, they usually choose the number they believe.

In fact, many people said that they don’t believe it, but most of them can tell a number they like. Many people like the number 8 or 6 in China. They believe 8 can make them succeded in business and make them uhealth. They also believe six bring the good luck, and things is smooth without a hitch. In fact, many people couldn’t explain why the number can bring good luck and How he know just the number is his luck number. Sometimes, people decide one things depended on their feeling, because they usually couldn’t know whole the thing. Maybe, One day, Sb. Can tell the reason and truth.

这是一篇得8分的试卷,内容切题,并有所发挥,但有些地方的表达不够清楚;结构还算符合要求,文字勉强连贯,但是语言方面的错误多,尤其是在主谓搭配、动词的时态、名词的单复数、词性、语序等方面。此外有的拼写也不规范,如:sb, sth。 画线部分可作以下修改:

to depend → depend

They believe in “ Luck number”, they → They believe in “ lucky numbers ”, so they

sth. → something

said → say

succeded → succeed

uhealth → wealthy

bring the good luck → brings good luck

things is → the things are

How he know → how he knows

people decide one things → people’s decision on one thing

depended → depends

usually couldn’t → couldn’t usually

One day → one day

Sb. Can → someone can

另外,考生还要注意卷面印象分这一问题。卷面要力求整洁,答题纸四周都要留空边,正确使用标点符号。短文要避免使用令阅卷老师反感的词句,如“Do you know…? Let me tell you”之类的过分口语化的表达方式。
